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Author: matthewarmstrong

Weekly Reflection Post #3 – Artificial Intelligence & Academic Integrity

Last week in class we learned about artifical intelligence & academic integrity. Learning how many students use AI in their work and breaking academic integrity. We also learned how to learn through the use of AI. The following image from Dr. Mariel Miller’s slides shows how to do this effectively.

Photo from Dr. Mariel Miller’s “Learning with AI” presentation

I found this quite interesting as I always thought if you used AI for anything you were breaking academic integrity. So, it was interesting learning that AI can be used as long as you ask it certain questions which do not break integrity. You can’t ask AI to solve your math homework or write an essay. But if you ask how to get ideas and adapt your own knowledge, then you are not breaking academic integrity, which I found very interesting as I thought any use would mean you broke it.

Weekly Reflection Post #2 – Intellectual Property

This week in class we learned about intellectual property. How to safely not accidentally steal someone else’s work and to speak up if your work gets used without your permission. One such example of this was someone who had made a meme. A government official then used that meme to advance their political campaign.

I found it interesting that someone had the courage to do that. As sometimes people who are famous will use their status as such to get away with things like taking something belonging to someone else. So to know someone stood up for themself made me quite happy. Especially as someone who does some pixel art on the side I am worried someone may take my art and use it for their own without crediting me or my permission. So, if that were to ever happen now I think I would communicate with the person that the art belongs to me.

Weekly Reflection Post #1 – Digital Literacy Frameworks

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